The Romero Child Charter is Launched!

We are delighted to launch our Romero Child Charter across all our school during our annual Mass today on October 13th
Our Lady appeared to the children in Fatima, she asked them again to pray the rosary daily, and spoke about the miracle coming in October. Our Lady asked the children to pray a lot and to help others.
It is therefore fitting that this is the day in which we launch our Romero Child. Click on the image to access the PDF for each Key Stage:

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Early Years | Key Stage One | Key Stage Two | Key Stage Three | Key Stage Four and Five |
Early Years Charter | Key Stage One Charter | Key Stage Two Charter | Key Stage Three Charter | Key Stage Four and Five Charter |
Prayers of Intercession to be shared after Mass
Prayer 1
In 1917, Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children in a town called Fatima in Portugal. Francisco aged 10, Jacinta aged 9 and Lucia aged 7 were promised that there would be peace in the world if everyone said the Rosary every day
God Our Father, in our busy lives, we may forget to say our prayers, other things become more important. Please help up to realise how important our prayer lives are to make time for praying for others and ourselves. Lord hear us
Prayer 2
Our Lady appeared to the children during the First World War. In that war 135 countries took part. A peace treaty was signed after 4 years of fighting in which millions of people lost their lives.
2. God Our Father, We pray for peace in our world and an end to unrest. Instead of hatred let there be love. Shelter your children and protect them. Guide them and keep them from harm, so they can build a world of love and live their lives in peace. Lord hear us
Prayer 3
On October 13th, 1917 Our Lady appeared for the last time. 70,000 people journeyed to the place where she had appeared. Our Lady had promised them a miracle and they were not disappointed. They saw the ‘Miracle of the Sun’, where the sun seemed to dance in the sky
- Lord, Every day we see miracles around us:
- The miracle of answered prayers.
- The miracle of new life.
- The miracle of doctors healing patients.
- The miracle of changing people’s lives for the better.
- Help us to appreciate everything around us and not to take anything for granted. Lord hear us
Prayer 4
In 1919 and 1920 Francisco and Jacinta died from the Spanish flu – a virus that spread through Europe. Today, we have coronavirus which is spreading throughout the world.
God of hope, love and mercy we ask for a quick control of the virus that is spreading in our world. We pray for our sisters and brothers who are affected especially in poor communities without healthcare. Heal the sick and console the families who have lost loved ones. Lord hear us
Prayer 5
On May 13th – the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima – Pope John Paul II was shot and seriously injured. Luckily, he survived and one of the bullets was placed inside the crown on the statues of Our Lady in Fatima. Saint Oscar Romero was shot and killed on March 24th, 1980. He was someone who died for his faith. He spoke out against injustice despite his life being threatened. Saint Oscar Romero spoke out in defence of the poor and oppressed people of El Salvador and became known as ‘the voice for the voiceless’.
Pray for us to be brave enough to speak up when we see injustice around us, in our neighbourhoods or elsewhere in the world. Lord hear us
Prayer 6
We pray for our community of faith; all the pupils, staff, parents and governors. We give thanks for the vocation of six staff who have retired recently or are retiring at the end of this term:
- Mrs Lomasney (Saint Patrick)
- Mrs Biddlecombe (Saint Gregory)
- Mr Molloy (Cardinal Wiseman)
- Mr Rutherford (Cardinal Wiseman)
- Mrs Farrugia (Cardinal Wiseman and Saint John Fisher)
- Mrs Scott (Cardinal Wiseman)
Lord hear us
Let us join our prayers with Mary our Mother as say,
Hail Mary ……
To launch our Romero Child, please share this video.
Thank you to Mrs Downing and the children in Year 6 at Corpus Christi for sharing their Sacred Dance, ‘Fearfully and wonderfully made,’