Helen Quinn

Helen took up post as the Catholic Senior Executive Leader for Romero in September 2018. Taking up this strategic post, Helen draws upon 14 years of Headship and Executive Headship across Sacred Heart, Good Shepherd (2017 – 2018) and St Osburg (2013- 2014). Helen was appointed National Leader of Education in 2014, gaining a wealth of experience working with schools in challenging situations in Coventry and Warwickshire. Helen established Blue Sky TSA in 2014 which has been instrumental as an engine of school improvement within Romero as well as providing school to school support in Coventry, Warwickshire and beyond.

As CSEL, Helen is committed to the vision of Romero to be a ‘beacon of excellence for 2- 19 years’ further developing our children/students spiritually, morally and culturally and how we can collectively achieve this across the ten entities, ensuring every child has opportunities to reach their God-given potential. As a result, we unlock and nurture the talent of tomorrow.

Leading the MAC, she ensures that common action and collaboration is conducted at the correct level and that the balance between subsidiarity and solidarity serves the common good in the most appropriate way so that every opportunity is provided for every member of the community to flourish and realise their vocation. No child, staff member of school will be left behind and we collectively are responsible for raising standards across the company – to this end the key phrase is “Rising tides, raises all ships”.

Working for Ofsted has enabled Helen to have sharpness in school evaluation and depth in understanding effective strategies to drive school improvement. Alongside this, she has previously served as a member of the Department for Education Headteacher Reference Group; this advisory group considers the potential impact of policies on primary and secondary education, including any barriers to implementation.

Helen has been asked to give presentations at local, regional and national level including CES and National training programmes for example NPQEL.

Helen lives in Coventry and is married to Anthony. Helen has three children who went to St Thomas More and Bishop Ullathorne. Helen attended St Thomas More, Bishop Ullathorne and studied at Warwick University.
