

Thank you to everyone who attended our conference.

You can provide feedback here https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/RomeroCelebrates

We are delighted to confirm that just over £500 was raised for the Andrew Robinson Young Person’s Trust. We also had over 50 additional swabs taken for Paddy’s plea. Thank you for your generosity!

Session 1 – Romero Reflects and Future plans

The PowerPoint for this session and the day is accessible November 8th 2019 (PDF)

The Directors have set the Vision and Mission for the MAC through these documents:

These two documents influence the Academy Plan for each school (which is a the same template so the Vision, Mission cascade through from Board through to School

Romero Child

  • Feedback to Megan Scullion m.scullion@romeromac.com
    Chair of Catholic Life Reference group for the MAC
  • Padlet link below or QR code to capture your thoughts from EYFS – KS5
  • Click here for Padlet 


Session 2 – Well Being

Aquarius – PowerPoint 8th November 2019

The videos for the PowerPoint are on separate page  here

  1. Stress Bucket
  2. The Fight Flight Freeze Response
  3. How Mindfulness Empowers Us
  4. Common Errors in our Thinking

Session 3 – Liturgy

The PowerPoint link is here

Or a PDF of the PowerPoint is here     Gathering Liturgy 8.11.19 Final

Session 4 – Quiz


Session 5 – Long Service 25 years plus

Long service award – please see PDF of the PowerPoint used for the day to see full list of names over the three slides.

Session 6 – Sir John Jones

Unfortunately we are unable to share his slide deck.