Our vision is to be a beacon of excellence for Catholic education, and we cannot do that without our People.
Our people invest a lot into supporting our vision, our values, and our aims, and therefore we feel that it is equally important that we invest back in them. Below are a few examples of some of the journeys that our staff have been on within Romero and the opportunities that have taken. If this journey excites you, head over to our vacancies page and see where your journey could begin.
My journey with The Romero Catholic Academy began in October 2015. I joined as an Administration Assistant, supporting from the Academy’s first year as a Multi Academy Company. My role supported the Board of Directors and Shared Services Team with admin duties, varying between general administration, Finance related admin and HR related admin.
I started working for Romero at Sacred Heart as an NQT in 2010 and became SENCO there in 2012. With the addition of Blue Sky Teaching School in 2014 several opportunities became available and I became Assistant Vice Principal and SLE for RE and SEND working through the teaching school to support other schools throughout the diocese.