LiveSimply Award
Pupils and staff from St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, part of the Romero Catholic Academy, have received the LiveSimply Award from the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) after launching a series of projects designed to educate youngsters about the world’s poorest communities.
The school in Wood End has implemented a number of school projects over the last 18 months highlighting the importance of caring for people and the planet, including collecting for local food banks, working with the Coventry Cyrenians at Christmas to collected essential items and festive treats, renovating the school’s Mary statue and planting wild flowers in its prayer garden and launching a whole-school recycling project.
The projects were designed to have a positive impact on the school community while reflecting on global poverty, with the award handed out to Catholic communities which show they are keeping other less fortunate people all over the world in their thoughts.
The bishops of England and Wales have encouraged all parishes and schools to work towards the award as a way of “protecting this world which God has entrusted to us”.
Kendall in Year 5 said: “We have worked hard for the Live Simply award and told the assessor all about the things we have been doing to help the environment and those in need because we are not related, but all brothers and sisters in God’s world.”
Danielle Kingham, Head of School at St Patrick’s who led the LiveSimply journey, said: “I am absolutely delighted for the staff and children of St Patrick’s for achieving this award.
“Everything we do here is about serving and supporting others, our staff go over and above every day for the families in their care and it is lovely to see this recognised.”
CAFOD’s LiveSimply assessor Siobhan Farnell said: “Congratulations to the pupils and staff from St Patrick’s on achieving the LiveSimply Award.
“It was wonderful to hear how passionate the staff team are about not only supporting the pupils but also their families too and that for many working in the school is a vocation.”
“It’s clear the ethos of LiveSimply is truly embedded within the school and how much more they are also doing to support pupils and their families to flourish.”